
As well as providing sexual health information online, we run the iLASH Young Women’s Health Clinic providing sexual health care from Donegal Women’s Centre on the Port Road.

It is a free clinic for ages 17 to 25 providing consultations on all methods of contraception as well as testing and sexual health support for people who menstruate. It runs every Monday from 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm (except bank holidays).

Past Updates


It’s #TransDayofVisibility and no better excuse to express our support and allyship to transgender folk in our community!
🏳️‍⚧ 🏳️‍⚧ 🏳️‍⚧ 🏳️‍⚧
For those of you who identify as trans, be sure to take a moment today to appreciate where you are in your journey. You are seen, you are strong, you are beautiful.💕
For the allies, please show your solidarity today – you never know who may benefit from seeing your support.😊

For more resources, please visit

TENI – Transgender Equality Network Ireland
BeLonG To Youth Services and BreakOUT Donegal





Update 22.01.2021

Following Government guidelines and in in line with our own health & safety assessment, iLash clinics will remain closed until it is safe to re-open.

We are really aware of the stress and anxiety caused by the cancellation of our weekly young women’s clinics and that some of you may be due repeat prescriptions.

So, until is safe for us to meet with you in person, we are asking that if you are due a repeat prescription in the coming few weeks that you email the Centre on

Please do not leave it until you are at or very near the end of your packet to renew your prescription as it may take time for our clinicians to prepare them

You need to include the following information:
1. Your name
2. Date of Birth
3. Address
4. Phone number (we will contact you on this number to let you know the prescription is ready)

You will then be given a day and time to call to the Centre to collect your prescription.

Please note

* this service will only apply to our current services
* no new clients will be offered this service
* prescriptions may take a week to prepare
* no drop-ins or consultations will be facilitated
* the morning after pill will be not be prescribed (your own GP, NowDoc or any pharmacy will supply this pill)


Follow us on Instagram ilashyoungwomensclinic

Facebook   https://www.facebook.com/youngwomensclinic

Twitter @donegalwomen



Update 28.09.2020

We are pleased to confirm that all service provision will continue as normal here in the Centre.  We have all the health & safety protocols in place and all measures are in place to ensure that our staff, volunteers and service users feel safe and confident in coming into the Centre.

We are asking that you wear your mask until you meet with a staff member at the door.  You will then be guided through the process.


The Centre is only open for drop-ins on a Monday evening to attend the young women’s clinic – Ilash.


If you need information or would like to make an appointment, please contact us on 074 9124985.



30th June 2020 – Sexual Health and Coronavirus

With the last of the exam results just out for school and college, and shops and businesses opening up again, it’s really starting to feel like summer. The Sexual Health Information Project put together this handy infographic about the things you need to think about. We want you to be smart and stay safe –  and always seek consent.





Latest Update June 24th

Ilash will re-open from Monday June 29th. We are asking that anyone attending please wear a mask (it protects us and it protects you!) and adhere to social distancing. Someone will be there to meet you at the door and explain what’s going to happen next.

Please Note: There might be some delays due to the new measures – it’s all a learning curve so bear with us.


We look forward to opening our doors again!


Updated: Friday 17th April 2020

As clinics continue to be cancelled for the next few weeks, please continue to email the centre on womenscentrelkenny@eircom.net if you are due a repeat presciption in the next 2 months.  

Don’t forget to include the following:

  • Name 
  • Address
  • Date of birth
  • Contact number

As soon as your prescription is ready, you will get a call on the contact number provided with details of collection.

If you feel you need some emotional support, the clinic counsellor is available to offer support through this very difficult time.

If you would like to talk to Catherine, please send us a private message through facebook, phone us on 074 9124985 or email us on womenscentrelkenny@eircom.net


Updated: Thursday 19th March 2020

We are very much aware of the stress and anxiety caused by the cancellation of our weekly young women’s clinics and that some of you may be due repeat prescriptions.

So, for the foreseeable future we are asking that if you are due a repeat prescription in the coming few weeks that you email the Centre on

You need to include the following information:
1. Your name
2. Date of Birth
3. Address
4. Phone number (we will contact you on this number to let you know the prescription is ready)

You will then be given a day and time to call to the Centre to collect your prescription.

Please note

* this service will only apply to our current services
* no new clients will be offered this service
* prescriptions may take a week to prepare
* no drop-ins or consultations will be facilitated
* the morning after pill will be not be prescribed (your own GP, NowDoc or any pharmacy will supply this pill)


The all new Sexual Health & Empowerment Information Site for Irish Women

  • Our Vision Our Vision Donegal Women's Centre wants a society that values all women, young girls and their developing sexuality. We want all women and young girls to be supported to develop the self-confidence, skills and understanding they need to enjoy and take responsibility for their sexual lives, sexual health and well being
  • Our Mission Our Mission To ensure that all young women have access to high quality, free and confidential sexual health services, as well as education and support. To enable them to make informed, active choices about their personal and sexual relationships so they can enjoy their sexuality without harm.
  • Additional Info Additional Info We're here to give you practical information on all current services available to young women in relation to health. We have information on: - All types of contraception including emergency contraception - Pregnancy advice and support - Sexually transmitted infections - Current services available in relation to sexual health in the North West and Northern Ireland including cost. The information in this website is here to help you make positive choices in relation to your sexual health.


We are only providing basic information about contraception and sexual health. The information is based on the evidence and medical opinion available at the time this website was produced.

Different people may give you conflicting advice on certain points. If you are unsure of worried about anything contact your doctor, family planning clinic or call Donegal Women’s Centre on (074) 912 4985.