COVID – 19 Response

Updated: Friday 17th April 2020

As clinics continue to be cancelled for the next few weeks, please continue to email the centre on if you are due a repeat presciption in the next 2 months.  

Don’t forget to include the following:

  • Name 
  • Address
  • Date of birth
  • Contact number

As soon as your prescription is ready, you will get a call on the contact number provided with details of collection.

If you feel you need some emotional support, the clinic counsellor is available to offer support through this very difficult time.

If you would like to talk to Catherine, please send us a private message through facebook, phone us on 074 9124985 or email us on

Please continue to follow us on Facebook and website for updates



Updated: 3rd April 2020

Due to the on-going COVID -19 crisis, we are asking if you are due a repeat prescription withing the next TWO months, to email the Centre with your details.

We are very much aware of the inconvience caused by the clinic not going ahead each week but we are guided by HSE guidelines.


Updated: 25th March 2020 – Important Announcement

If  you are due a prescription within the next two months and have seen by the Centre’s clinic staff in the last 12 months please email the Centre on with the following information

You need to include the following information:
1. Your name
2. Date of Birth
3. Address
4. Phone number (we will contact you on this number to let you know the presription is ready)

You will then be given a day and time to call to the Centre to collect your prescription.

Please note

  • this service will only apply to women who have been seen in this clinic during the last 12 months
  • no new clients will be offered this service
  • prescriptions may take a week to prepare
  • no drop-ins or consultations will be facilitated
  • the morning after pill will be not be prescribed (your own GP, NowDoc or any pharmacy will supply this pill)
  • If you have been getting your pill from the LYIT then contact Ballyraine Surgery on 0749129393.
  • If you have been getting it from another GP locally or other parts of the country and we have not issued anything to you in the last 12 months you will need to speak to you own GP.

Updated: Thursday 19th March 2020

We are very much aware of the stress and anxiety caused by the cancellation of our weekly young women’s clinics and that some of you may be due repeat prescriptions.

So, for the foreseeable future we are asking that if you are due a repeat presciption in the coming few weeks that you email the Centre on

You need to include the following information:
1. Your name
2. Date of Birth
3. Address
4. Phone number (we will contact you on this number to let you know the presription is ready)

You will then be given a day and time to call to the Centre to collect your prescription.

Please note

* this service will only apply to our current services
* no new clients will be offered this service
* prescriptions may take a week to prepare
* no drop-ins or consultations will be facilitated
* the morning after pill will be not be prescribed (your own GP,
NowDoc or any pharmacy will supply this pill)

Updated: Friday 13th March 2020

In line current recommendations, we regret to announce that we have made the decision to cancel all face to face appointments & drop in services.

This has not been an easy decision & we appreciate the distress & anxiety that this decision may cause.

However, we feel that it is the right course of action to protect the health & wellbeing of our staff, volunteers, service users & our families.

As a result, the Centre will be closed to the public until Sunday 29th March with only minimal cover to answer calls & emails.